Ladies and gentlemen, the verdict of my bead sorting. 👌 I think this may be the most satisfying and most frustrating thing I’ve ever worked on. 😂 But so worth it because now I can make all the pretty jewelries. 🙂
I finally got around to finishing Meant To Be by Emily Giffin. It was pretty good, not amazing in my opinion but it was good. It’s kind of an urban Cinderella story where the most well known, famous man in America falls in love with a girl who has a difficult past and difficult upbringing. Wasn’t my favorite trope, haven’t decided if I want to give a thorough review or not. 😆 I started reading Verity by Colleen Hoover but damn the beginning of the book is heavy 😅. Not really feeling it right now so I might save it for a later date. Anyone have any light romance novels with some spice to recommend? 👀 Maybe a romcom?