Love this video. ♥ What Gigi said towards the end about disclosure and the rumored med beds, and those kinds of technologies. This really resonated with me and it’s crossed my mind before, the amount of materialistic dependency there is on technology solving all of our problems, making everything better, when in history we’ve had amazing healers who could achieve these sames things without the use of technology, without these rumored med beds.
I grew up in Christianity, so Jesus comes to mind. He healed the blind, he healed leppers, so many amazing works of healing without the use of any kind of technology. There have also been many cases of people who’ve had placebo effects that have healed sickness and diseases, many based on deep inner realizations and epiphanies they had while at death’s door. While it’s vastly not understood how to apply this kind of healing and I think because of this it really isn’t taken seriously, the fact that these cases have existed shows the body has the ability to heal itself in mysterious ways without the use of technology.
Technology has it’s uses, but what if people learned to understand these deeper inward processes and how to apply them consciously? We have quite a long way to go. 😥