Something I am learning on my healing journey is this. Only you know what you need, only you know who you truly are, and it’s ok if others don’t like you or accept you. Living to please people who don’t appreciate the real you is only going to hurt you, hinder your growth and ability to thrive. We aren’t put on this earth to please other people. First and foremost, we need to love ourselves and who we are, both in the past and the present.
Something else I’m learning in my shadow integration is sometimes you’ll have to go back to an earlier part of your consciousness when you didn’t believe that. It could be 5, 10, 20+ years ago. You might think you’ve moved on and healed from those things but sometimes deep down you didn’t, you just repressed it, and the reality of that can creep up on you. I’m finding myself in a place where it feels like I’m working with two different forms of consciousness; the one I am in the present and the one I was from an earlier time that felt as though I was never enough. I feel really happy and grateful to finally be reaching a place in my spiritual journey where I’m starting to integrate these two parts of myself and become whole. 🙏