Welcome to my
Mental Health Garden
During the chaotic world events 2020-2022, I often found myself in some very dark mental places. Constantly hearing bad news on social media, tv, the radio, books, as well as being surrounded by the dark circumstances of this time period took a massive toll on my mental health. During one of my darkest periods, I realized I couldn’t keep living in a constant state of anxiety and depression, so I decided to do something about it – and that is where the concept of my Mental Health Garden was born.
What is a mental health garden? A mental health garden is the conscious cultivation a positive mental health state by surrounding yourself with things that uplift you, give you hope, inspiration, motivation, and generally just reprogramming your mental state from a negative one into a more positive and balanced one. To do this, you first need to start identifying the sources of the negative information streams in your life. Once you have identified them, completely cut them out of your life and replace them with information streams that are positive, uplifting, inspirational, and motivating. This doesn’t need to be permanent, but it should be long enough to help you regain a balanced state of mind. For me, it took anywhere from a few weeks to a couple months, depending on how bad my spiral was.
So how did I go about cultivating my mental health garden exactly? I didn’t cut myself totally off from social media, but instead, I unfollowed/unliked/removed any and all information streams (pages,groups,friends,family) that were sharing bad news or negativity, and I replaced them with pages/groups/etc. that were dedicated to sharing positive and uplifting content only. I also got a browser extension for Facebook that allowed me to block suggested posts, ads, and have more control over my feed so that algorithm can’t suggest toxic content. I also stopped listening to the radio, stopped watching the news, and was very mindful about what I allowed into my mental space. These changes are pretty drastic, as it is very much a lifestyle change you need to be strict and consistent with while you heal, but I’ve found this extremely effective in my experience to healing anxiety and depression associated with negative and fear programming we’re massively exposed to on a day to day basis. So if you’re often depressed by the constant bombarding of bad news and negative media, I highly recommend giving this a try!
This section of my Sacred Space is dedicated to my mental health garden. What you will find in the tabs above are embedded RSS feeds of all the content I find inspiring, positive, uplifting, motivating, and just generally give me good vibes. This is my Mental Health Garden, but please feel free to use it if you like it for your own mental health retreat, or if it inspires you to do something similar, please do! Feel free to copy the idea and create your own mental health garden. And if you’ve never heard of an RSS feed, I highly recommend learning what an RSS feed is and creating your own for this purpose. RSS feeds are super handy!
Enjoy your stay!
Welcome to my Spiritual Blog! This section is where I will talk about personal experiences, spiritual believes, and anything related to spirituality. If you’d like to subscribe to this blog, you can do so via right clicking the RSS icon above, copy the feed link and paste it to your RSS reader. Alternatively, you can just copy/paste the link below to your RSS reader.

Shadow Work
This is the practice I focus on most at this time and it is a constant. Shadow work is the practice of deep self reflection and inner healing. It’s often dark, and requires looking at the more unpleasant and rough aspects of yourself, developing self awareness, and self improvement. It also goes much deeper in getting to the root of issues, often stemming from childhood trauma, or other traumatic events, and finding healing. I am a work in progress.

Light Shielding
Light shielding is a form of psychic protection through prayer and visualization. I have used them nightmares and they work marvelously. Light shields create a protective barrier between you and negative energy. Energy from within the shield is able to get out, but energy outside the shield is not able to get in. There are many different colored shields that you can use, and each color has a different purpose. You can also layer as many different colored shields as you want to create the one you feel suits your needs the most. I will eventually do a post on this topic, and link it here if you too would like to learn how to create one.

Dream Work
Dream work is the practice of self development in dreams. They are an incredibly handy tool when it comes to facing your fears and navigating through different situations. They are also deeply symbolic and a great tool for navigating the inner workings of the subconscious mind. I use it hand in hand with shadow work.

Cartomancy is the practice of using cards for divination purposes. Cards are an incredible tool for working with the subconscious mind, as it uses a lot of symbolism. The subconscious mind communicates with our conscious mind through symbols. This makes Cartomancy excellent for bringing what lies deep within to the surface.
Welcome to the Divination section of my Sacred Space!
Disclaimer: This section includes affiliate links in which if you choose to purchase one of the decks from these links, I may earn a small commission for recommending it to you. 🙂 These commissions help me be able to pay for my web hosting costs, so thank you to anyone who chooses to support me through my affiliate links. ♥
Table of Contents
Meet The Oracle Decks

Spirit De La Lune Oracle
I purchased this beautiful deck several years ago and fell in love. They are very different in shape, as you can see, they are round instead of the standard rectangular cut. Each has beautiful ‘moondala’ on them representing different moons, astrology, and the moon phases.
Sadly, I have recently discovered that they are no longer in production and their final batch is currently being sold on Etsy. I’m not sure how long they will be available for but if anyone has had their eye on this deck, here is the link for their Etsy shop. This deck won’t be sold for much longer.

Starlight Frequencies Oracle
This is my most minimalist deck I think. Not necessarily for the artwork, but also the guidebook which I kind of love. Each card has a basic meaning, but it is meant to be a deck to work with more intuitively. Sadly, this version of the deck is no long in production as the creator decided to go in a different direction with it. It still exists under the same name here, but it is not the same deck.

Isis Oracle
This is my favorite oracle deck and is my go-to whenever I feel like I need some “mom” advice. I have had many personal therapy sessions with this deck. It’s definitely a deck you need the guidebook for as it is not a very intuitive deck, but the guidebook is so incredibly detailed. Each card is very well written, very clear and comforting, and each card also includes a prayer/ritual in the guidebook to bring forth the intention of each card. Alana Fairchild really put a lot of love into making this deck and it is very felt when doing readings. Because this isn’t a deck that’s meant to be read more intuitively, I think this is a really great deck for anyone of any skill level. Just choose a card you feel drawn to and read.
If you feel drawn to do your own readings with this deck, you can find it on Amazon here.

Archangel Oracle Cards
This deck I actually found at a local thrift store! Generally, this isn’t a deck I would go for, I’m just not drawn to this art style. However, I am glad I got it because it has had a really positive impact on me.
in January of 2020, I made a vision board and received the Gabriel card for writing, encouraging me to write. I actually ended up doing some really great writing that year and years to follow. Writing was where I found my voice.
Love this deck, very in tune with it. I’d recommend it, however, it is very rare to come across and the ones that are available are secondhand and quite expensive. If I remember correctly, Doreen Virtue had stopped promoting and making her oracle cards. She changed directions in her spiritual path and became a Christian. Due to this, she no longer promotes the use of oracle cards, which I assume is why some of her decks are no longer in production.
Meet the Tarot Decks

The Constellation Tarot
This deck was the deck that started it all for me. When I first started exploring my spirituality, tarot had always peaked my interest and was something I was drawn to learning. I felt drawn to the planets and the stars, so this deck made perfect sense to get starting out, because this was the kind of vibe the artwork gave me. I’ve evolved in this path for about 7 years now, and still today, I believe there is a lot more to the planets and stars than just their physicality.
This deck will always hold a special place in my heart, because to me it represents the beginning of my spiritual journey.

Lucid Dreams Tarot
The Lucid Dreams tarot is my go-to deck for very detailed readings. I can not say enough how AMAZING this deck is for beginners. While I’m not a beginner, I definitely don’t have every aspect of the cards memorized. This deck has so much information right on the card, so you don’t have to look in the guidebook. The meanings are right on the card if you need to reference it, as well as the associated planet and element. The guidebook is also incredibly detailed and includes a really easy system for learning the tarot and reading more intuitively so you don’t have to memorize every single card individually. The imagery is also so much prettier than the class Rider Waite (in my opinion), but still depicts the same symbolism.

Forest of Enchantment Tarot
There are decks I’ve used that don’t quite speak to me on a deeper level, and then there are decks such as this one that truly feel like I am speaking with a warm spirit guide. This deck has often felt like it’s come to life in it’s messages, and I think part of my attachment to it is in the imagery. The art style reminds me of the old fairy tale books I used to read as a child.
The Forest of Enchantment is an incredibly detailed deck. While the names of the suits are different than the traditional Rider Waite, I think this deck is incredibly intuitive to read and has really great symbolism!

True Black Tarot
This deck I primarily use for shadow work. I love the elegant imagery of this deck, but also the symbolism. I think Arthur (deck creator) did a fantastic job of creating artwork that reflects the symbolism it represents. Great for intuitive reading.

Age of Aquarius Tarot
This is the most recent addition to my collection, and as a Piscean I completely fell in love with the watery vibes. Despite the name, I definitely think this deck embodies the element of water more than air. 😆 I am a big fan.
The art style reminds me of Danielle Noel’s decks. Sort of pastel, mixed media. I’m a big fan if this style of imagery.

The Starchild Tarot
The Starchild Tarot was the second deck I ever received and was a gift from my husband. I truly love the art style of this deck. That is one thing I really need when purchasing a deck – I am a very visual person and the art style must call to me if I’m going to regularly use it. I’d really like to purchase more of Danielle’s decks in the future. Her Moonchild tarot and Ocean Dreams oracle have been on my wishlist for awhile!
What is the difference between Tarot & Oracle Cards?
This is a question you’re probably going to be wondering when selecting which deck you’d like a reading from. Oracle decks are structured differently than tarot decks and are usually lighter and more comforting in their nature when doing readings. Though, in my experience, they don’t provide quite as much insight as tarot decks.
Tarot decks are highly symbolic, very detailed and have a lot of structure. They also don’t sugar coat the message they’re trying to relay, which can make their messages seem heavier. People are often nervous of tarot due to the death card or the devil card. Again, the tarot works in symbolism. Receiving the death card, for example, usually means the end of a chapter and the beginning of a new one. The devil card often represents temptation, lust, bad habits, etc. Superstitious stigmas of tarot cards are very dramatized and inaccurately portayed through Hollywood. Don’t trust Hollywood to give an accurate representation of the reality of this topic… or anything really. 😆
Ready for a Reading?
These are some digital interactive decks I have made. When you click the deck, you will receive a random card. You can use these interactive decks as a single use daily readings tool so that the first card you draw is the card you’re meant to receive for the day. Another way to use these decks is to have a question in your mind that you want guidance or insight on before you draw the card. The first card you receive is the card that is meant to be the response.
In the future I may try to expand the deck functionality to create spreads and implement more interactive ways to use these decks, but for now, this is the most effective way to use them.
Terms Of Use: These decks are 100% my own creation. Both the graphics and the code are not to be taken or copied in any way. They are not to be shared, sold, or redistributed in any way and are to only be used on my website. Please feel free to bookmark this page if you’d like to easily return back here for future free readings.
Runic Oracle
This deck is based on the Futhark Norse Runes. If you’ve ever been curious about runes and oracle cards, here’s the best of both worlds!