My precious boy. ♥
This past week has been a lot colder. We had a really warm October, some days felt like it was still summer, which was pretty nice. November’s chill is starting to kick in and we’re bundling up into more cozy clothing, more blankets, and starting to turn the heat on.
I don’t really miss summer but I’m also not looking forward to winter. My enjoyment of winter lasts until the New Year. I like the Christmas lights everywhere that makes everything feel magical. But once everyone takes down their lights after the holidays, my tolerance for winter is over and I’m ready for Spring to come.
One thing I really enjoy about the New Year is making resolutions. Despite failing them a lot of the time, I’d rather make some progress and strive to keep growing than to stay stagnant. I think it’s important to have goals and dreams to aspire towards, even if life doesn’t go to plan or motivation doesn’t stay consistent. It’s better to try and move towards a better version of yourself than it is to not try and stay stagnant. That’s how I feel about it anyways.
This coming New Year, my ultimate goal is to lose 50-60lbs. My Sister-In-Law’s wedding is coming up and I want to get fit and healthy before they see me again. I believe I can do it. I think it’ll be hard but I know I can when I get in the right mindset. Lately I’ve also been really wanting to focus on my spirituality again. It’s been a consistent itch that I’ve been feeling I need to integrate more into my life. I separated from it for awhile because the growth became too painful, but I feel like I’m ready to continue forward now that I’ve learned a lot, grown a lot, healed a lot. The journey must continue! So that is my next resolution for the New Year; to pursue my spirituality more, heal more, and learn more.
As for my reading goal, I don’t think I want to extend it any further. This year my goal was to read 24 books, and I think the amount I’ve read this year was great and a really balanced, enjoyable pace. I don’t want to overdo it. I’ve seen a lot of people put ridiculous amounts of pressure on themselves to finish reading goals to the point it’s made reading unenjoyable for them, and I don’t really want to become like that. I love reading, but I also think balance is important and shouldn’t be that serious. So far I’m at 20 books read in my reading goal, and I’m working on getting through my 21st book. I’m not sure I’m going to make my goal for the year, and if not, I’m okay with that. Last year I read I think 14 books, which was great, and this year I’ve already read 6-7 more so if I don’t quite make it to 24, I still feel really accomplished and proud of what I achieved. And really, I think that’s the point of New Year’s resolutions. You don’t have to meet all of your goals, but I think setting goals helps you to strive to be better and accomplish a lot more than if you didn’t set any at all.
I don’t really have any other big goals for next year. The weight loss and getting healthy is the biggest thing, so if I can achieve that above everything else, I’ll feel incredibly accomplished.
2026 will be filled with a lot more goals. We will own our first house, and there is so much I want to accomplish with it. Getting a fence up, planting fruit trees, berry bushes, herbs, veggies, getting set up with solar, and a dog run for our boy. ♥ Breeding him with my mom’s dog and keeping one of his puppies is also in future plans! There’s so much in the future I’m excited for. 🙂