It’s been a few days! Haven’t posted or answered many messages these past few days, I promise I’ll get caught up tomorrow! 😭 So if we were conversing just know I wasn’t ignoring you! These past few days I’ve been busy preparing for my first market of the year selling my handmade jewelry. The day before was a bit of a frenzie and I was up past 3am getting last minute preparations done and things made, day of was also chaotic. And sadly it didn’t go too well. The weather was really bad and where it’s so early in the season, not many people showed up. 😔 I think I will wait and try again in June. It’s supposed to be a lot busier then and will hopefully be so much better.
In other news, I am slowly growing my Outlander series! Eventually I would like to get the hardcovers of all the books, but almost all the soft covers I found are in really good condition. 😁 Tonight I will start reading the first book. I’m still behind getting a review up for Never Never by CoHo. I just have a lot I need to do and I’m overwhelmed and mentally shutting down. 😂😭